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01-02-2017 à 14:38:58
Sansa weight loss reviews
Or even that he was now unable to at least atone for his betrayal with his death. One can only imagine how she felt when she learned that from the very begining he was a spy for the man who murdered her entire family and his information nearly caused her death and the death of her unborn child. You realize that Sam (the baby) almost suffered the same fate. Hot Pie deciding to stay at the Inn that Thoros and the Brotherhood stopped after taking him, Arya, and Gendry over for some food after the cook was impressed with some bread he baked and he felt he has no place in the war alongside two brave souls like Arya and Gendry. A particularly brutal example once we find out who that boy really is. He tries to explain that he loves her and only her, but she remains convinced that he only sees her as a whore. com. com has been retired. Made even worse in the next episode, where Stannis remarks to Davos that he feels the same way, loving the boy his brother was. Bran finally seeing Jon again with his own eyes, but being unable to shout to him due to how he needs to go north, and Jon would do everything he could to keep him from doing so. For Sansa, the fact that her rescuer was a fraud only adds to her disillusionment and helplessness, leave alone that she was rescued by Littlefinger who she feels ambivalent about at best. The whole episode was such a Tear Jerker that, according to most of the 2013 Comic-Con panel, everybody was in tears at the end of the shoot, including the people responsible for most of the Red Wedding. No wonder she just stood there in the end. In other words, he planned the escape attempt, killed his own men and then betrayed Theon, simply to fuck with his head. In the space of about ten minutes there are no less than four moments near guaranteed to draw inelegant sobbing from the viewers. I grieve for him as well, for the boy he was, not the man he grew to be. He then gives a broken smile, toasts her with his cup and declares as a final joke. Cersei actually starts to cry, letting her guard drop around Tyrion, and he just stands there without saying anything, at a loss for words. It really, REALLY sucks to be good in Game of Thrones. But not grieving over the man he became and had to kill. Be who he was born to be. Tommen sobbing as the only sibling who cares about him is sent away. For context, after viciously and furiously calling out Theon in front of all her men for his idiotic and immoral(even in the eyes of a brutal raider like her) actions in taking Winterfell, Yara dismisses her soldiers to speak alone with Theon. Sansa is in deep depression after hearing about the Red Wedding massacre and refuses to eat and meet people. It becomes much sadder when you realize that the cloak Renly wore while watching Loras joust was made of green brocade. Really the entire scene was a massive one for Stannis, and a good hint as to why he has become so embittered and unhappy. And also her line about that being the only time she ever got to hold him. It is not made clear whether Tommen has, in the past, been tricked by Tywin or someone else in his family. Ygritte when Jon is forced to abandon her after his cover is blown. Their only crime was trying to survive in a war torn Westeros, and the Northern army butchered them for cooperating with the Lannisters. The last exchange between Robb and Catelyn deserves its own bullet point. If Robb had listened to his mother had remained faithful to his deal with the Freys, the Red Wedding would not have happened. Despite this Pod still wants to stay, citing how Tyrion has been good to him until Tyrion is forced to directly order him to flee, but not before declaring to the now tearful Pod that he is the finest squire who ever lived. After his unspeakably horrific torture, mutilation and finally castration at the hands of Ramsay Bolton, Theon has been reduced to a weeping, sobbing wreck who can only beg Ramsay to kill him. Salladhor Saan: But, Davos, you were a good father. Two seasons on, and she sees something much worse front and centre. One moment especially is when Cersei finally asks Robert about Lyanna Stark. He sounds utterly broken as Ned, Baelish and Pycelle all listen to the account of the atrocities. Bran and Rickon parting ways, with Rickon tearfully telling his brother he wants to protect him, and Osha telling the Reeds that Bran means everything to her. While his rage is perfectly understandable and entirely justified, seeing one of the few (and getting fewer by the season) truly heroic and moral characters in the series get so broken that he has nothing left but hatred and revenge is just heartrending. Just some poor orphans living with a farmer. Poor Sansa is completely alone and surrounded by people who would have no qualms about killing her to achieve their own ends. Arya: Could you bring back a man without a head. Then she is told her two youngest boys were brutally murdered when her home was sacked by someone who grew up with them. They really do sound like infants crying for their mother to save them. The only person she can rely on is the man who created this predicament knowingly to make her dependent on him. She blurts out how Joffrey killed her father in front of her and made her stare at the dismembered head. Two pieces of serious fridge tearjerker in these moments as well. Cersei: I felt something for you once you know. Just how broken and hopeless Jaime now is contrasted to his usual arrogant and snarky persona. Robert: Do you want to know the horrible truth. Before he becomes creepy to Sansa, Petyr, just like in the book, is quite charming and endearing to Sansa, reassuring her that there might be a way for her to get home again. How to Clean Stainless Steel In Your Kitchen. Tyrion has been hurt so bad that he is starting to sound like the monster responsible for so much of his suffering and humiliation. Despite that the way he died is still sad, being dispensed like garbage and dying pathetically in the middle of the sea. The poor kid has enough on his plate with being a Puppet King, but the fact he now suspects his beloved uncle of murdering his brother (and whatever other lies Cersei has been filling his head with about him) is just tragic considering how close they were at the start of the series. She then nearly breaks down as the topic changes to her daughter as she begs Oberyn to tell Myrcella how much she loves her. Just. Just silence as Tyrion turns around and walks out to leave Sansa to her mourning. Missandei and Grey Worm talking to each other about how they became slaves. things that Craster sacrifices his sons to. Which is different from the books, where she aborted it. Worse than this however is her insanely desperate begging of Walder Frey to let her son go, and her cry of anguish after she sees Robb get stabbed in the heart by Roose - her expression is that of a corpse from that point on, even before her own throat is slit. Robb has just watched his wife and unborn child murdered in front of him, and his cause is literally collapsing around him. Catelyn Stark saying she thinks everything is her fault because she once swore to the gods she would love Jon Snow like her own son, and quickly broke this oath. You can just see all her dreams of a fairytale life with Joffrey come tumbling down. Thousands of men burning alive after wildfire explosion. Secondly, given how he knew a furious Robb would be coming for him to avenge his crimes from Season 2 as soon as he was able to return to the north, his heartbreak at hearing about his death may very well have been due to the fact his last desperate hope of Robb Stark coming to save him by way of a swift and relatively dignified execution has now been shattered. He just stares at it for a few seconds, before he starts screaming. Cersei confiding in Margaery of all people about how much Joffrey horrified her no matter how much she loved him. For a moment, it looks as if he is about to cry, before consciously choking back whatever emotion he was feeling. While she initially stands firmly by her decision, Daenerys looks and sounds utterly sickened with herself by the end, with the loss of composure in her voice plain to hear as she orders her next audience. Kind of makes him disturbingly similar to Darth Vader, in that in the quest for power to obtain the love he coveted, he ultimately destroyed and lost it, as well as destroying the lives of thousands, and has to live with his choices and suffering for the rest of his days. Ygritte eventually accepts that they may as well be on a suicide mission. Adding in a bit of Fridge Brilliance, that assassination attempt was what prompted Khal Drogo to go on the warpath to raise funds (via slaving) for an invasion of Westeros. New at Viewpoints: Consumers Can Engage Directly With Brands. Her first true attempt to play the game, and she lost hard. Watching Jaime realise that his father, who may have been harsh, but was always honest with him, has played him for a fool is tragic. And I knew I was the worst woman who ever lived. Just flip the switch and let Pulse take the heavy lifting out of review collection, display, and syndication. If there was anyone else who was still cheering for Theon getting tortured, they would have definitely stopped by this point. It was both strangely heartwarming and deeply saddening to see Cersei and Jaime holding their son together as he died, for once acting as concerned parents — when it was already far too late and their child had gone off the deep end and ended up assassinated for it. The look on his face as he lies dying at the base of the weirwood shows that he is just so happy, despite all, to see the Stark boys alive and safe. His desire to stay in that nest of vipers speaks volumes about his underappreciated life. Sansa at least has Tyrion to confide in but Jon, who was out of contact with events in the south since Season 1 is seemingly numb from shock at how his entire world (outside the Nights Watch) has been taken from him. Given their conflict beforehand (and the unspeakable torture and suffering Theon will go through because of his refusal to come home with her) this is an extremely humanising moment for the Greyjoys. So I prayed to all seven gods, let the boy live. And now, after Theon has bared his soul and his deepest insecurities, he has even more ammunition with which to torture him. What he truly wanted was for his father to come and see him while he was wounded, to acknowledge him just once. Jaime is quick to remind Brienne that he was a Stark man. Moreover, there is a far wider tearjerker in this scene. be. On the one hand, he loves them enough to put in a lot of time to help them, and is willing to incur their hatred for it, which would be painful for a father who actually did love his children. the moment he set eyes on me. This is made only worse by the brief montage of clips of Ned using the sword and his own execution with it. Catelyn recalling how she would wait for her father by a certain window, and wonders if Bran and Rickon had been doing the same. Theon desperately tries to cling to what little dignity he has by refusing to call himself this despite Ramsay beating him when he calls himself Theon, but after Ramsay savagely beats him again and again, he finally relents and starts to call himself Reek. In other words, Tywin basically says that Joffrey got what he deserved, while his mother is standing there. Dany even acknowledges in A Clash of Kings that this was the moment when what little joy was left in his heart left him. Arya, alone and afraid and lying in mud while the rain pours down and the prisoners around her are depleted, can only whisper the names of the people she wants dead. We can fully appreciate just how lost the poor boy has become to sink so low. Brienne looking on helplessly as the Bolton men mercilessly beat the crap out of Jaime. The fact that she only now realizes that Littlefinger is a schemer with no scruples and who seems to enjoy leering at her only makes it worse, as she has nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Not to mention that pretty much every Awesome moment Tyrion had prior to this season is now being used as evidence against him in the murder trial. Lady is completely innocent (Nymeria is the one who attacks Joffrey when he goes Ax-Crazy ) and the order itself is hard enough to stomach, but the fact that he chooses to do it personally makes it even sadder. In the opening credits, Winterfell is now a smoking ruin similar to Harrenhal. All while his one real friend left screams impotently for them to stop. First, she lost her beloved husband, believed both her daughters were taken hostage by the enemy. the exact same room he watched the Mad King say such chillingly similar words 20 years ago. Myrcella is a glorified hostage in Dorne, Joffrey has died, and now Tommen is being led away from her care by Tywin. Somehow even more so when you see the clockwork godswood bloom. Sansa bursting into tears as Lysa hurts her, telling her that Baelish calls her a stupid little girl with stupid little dreams. Near the end of his trial, Shae arrives as the star witness to inflict the nastiest and most heartwrenching betrayal Tyrion has ever suffered, lying about all their moments together and claiming that he forced her to be his sex slave before claiming he told her of his plans to kill Joffrey. guilty,. Even Joffrey, one of the least sympathetic characters in the entire series, looks heartbreakingly devastated as the man he believes is his father says his last words to him. Her frantic searching and crying really gives the impression of a desperate mother, especially considering that the dragons essentially are her children. What happens afterward is a cross between this and Nightmare Fuel. Tyrion confronts his father about the ease with which he makes decisions to commit dreadful acts for the sake of the family. They WANT him to be on their side, which makes his betrayal even worse for them and the audience. The Brotherhood selling Gendry to Melisandre while Arya berates and shames them for it, half-hysterical. Sansa, Tyrion, Varys, Oberyn and the Tyrells are clearly not amused. When she was introduced, she was a terrified little girl, constantly on the run from the assassins of Robert Baratheon, with only Viserys to protect her. I let Dagmer slit their throats. And the tragic irony that a complete stranger saw clearly and immediately what people who have known Tyrion for years still refuse to see. We finally see Theon sleeping in a cage alongside the other dogs when Yara comes to rescue him. In several of the trailers we see and hear the reactions of Jon and Sansa to The Red Wedding and the death of Robb and Catelyn. Just when it looked like things were looking up for Sansa and she had a friend as well. While Tommen and Cersei are silently mourning for Joffrey, Tywin comes in and asks Tommen what he thinks it means to be a good king. Her father does seem to love her, but only rarely comes to see her. She points out that they are both already beyond practically all punishment. Maisie said in an interview that they did several takes of this scene, and used the one that sounds most like Arya is making a declaration of love. The destruction of Ice not only symbolises the fall of the Starks, but the obliteration of the last physical remnant of Ned Stark. Consider joining our community via registration for opportunities to receive free sample products, and get rewarded for sharing your opinion by writing reviews on our site. For the second time, a family member heartlessly and childishly blames Tyrion for the death of his mother. The sight of Jaime sprinting forwards and holding his secret son for the first and last time was a painful one. Ned, who deeply cares for his children and their well-being, nonetheless has to kill Lady after Cersei demands it from Robert. Then things take a turn for the depressing as they both discuss the problems that have hung over their entire marriage. Shireen offers to teach Davos, who is locked up, to read. The look on his face can be both nightmarish and tear-jerking. When Loras has to bend the knee to Joffrey (whom he described as a monster in Season 1), his body language is practically screaming that he finds the act abhorrent. However, as Tyrion points out, the position is actually considered one of the highest honors that can be bestowed, as it means the Royals trust the person enough to handle the cups without fear of poison. and I let him burn the bodies. Robert, as he is dying, begs Ned to help Joffrey to be a better man than him. It gets even worse as Stannis is still in very bad shape from his defeat at Blackwater, and he spends the entire scene reminding Davos of that. Moreover, this is easily the darkest thing Bran has ever done. Theon desperately crying out his reasons for sacking Winterfell. You think I want children who can never see their father. He immediately and instinctively tries with his right arm. A murderer.

It really shows how broken Theon has gotten and how he has been of two minds for a very long time. You can tell that it visibly pains him to say these things to Shae, but feels he has to in order to protect her. And, once he is killed, Cat gives up too. yeah, pity that poor continent, and its unfortunate residents. And remember: she died believing that Jon Snow was the last Stark son left alive — and that The Gods have an utterly awful sense of Humor. Later, when Cersei is giving her some genuinely heartfelt advice (see the Crowning Moment of Heartwarming page), Cersei says that the only people Sansa should allow herself to love are her children, to avoid being hurt. Tywin opening up to the disguised Arya about how his own father was a good, loving man whose weakness nearly destroyed their family. Dontos Hollard talking about his once-great family, a powerful house with a bright future, brought low because of the blunders of its members. I wanted to let you know people grieve for him. Tyrion: Every time we deal with an enemy, we create two more. ( Beat ) Go on. was it ever possible for us. Littlefinger proved that Ser Dontos was his stooge, retelling Sansa that cover story about the family heirloom and then proving that the necklace he had was fake. When she was sold to Drogo in exchange for an army, Jorah was her first friend in her new life, someone she could trust and ask for advice. At first they both share a harsh laugh at how their utter sham of a marriage is the only thing holding the Seven Kingdoms together. from the books. Later, Cersei and Oberyn have a moment of empathy when they discuss how despite all their power and prestige, they failed to protect those they loved. Green is one of the colours of House Tyrell, and Renly (who was dressed only in House Baratheon black throughout Season 1) obviously brought the cape to the tourney to show his love and support for Loras. Tyrion once again on the end of abuse from his father and his cruel bitch of sister as they force him to wed Sansa. Considering the three kings who came before him, as well as what the War of Five Kings has done to Westeros. When Sam and Gilly discuss a name for her baby, and she suggests, what else, Craster, Sam is disturbed but only half-heartedly objects. Even worse, one of the men who did it heavily implies that they did worse to at least one of the women before they were hanged. Like the concept of being nice and generous is a completely alien concept. Then Robert gives Storms End to Renly who was only a child. A stark reminder that this really is the same man who shoved Bran out a window. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Shireen Baratheon, possibly the saddest and loneliest little girl in all of Westeros. These are among the very few people he has genuine affection for and they both suffer horrifying illnesses, mental in the case of his wife, and physical in the case of his daughter. Nearly everyone can agree that this is one part of the books that the show has genuinely mishandled. Gendry saying he intends to stay on with the Brotherhood instead of going to Riverrun with Arya, saying the Brotherhood could be like a family he never had. Cersei lamenting how Joffrey turned out, and Tyrion trying to comfort her by telling her that Myrcella and Tommen still turned out all right. The hanged women Brienne and Jaime come across. Tyrion and Cersei voice a question and a sad answer that surely many fans have asked themselves. Just moments before, when she snuck into the castle and realized she was just a few steps from reuniting with her family, she had the sweetest smile and was looking happy for the first time since Ned died. And again at the end of this meaningless abuse, Tyrion is left with a look of a combination of uncontainable fury and heart brokeness. And then goes off on a completely uncalled for rant about how Tyrion is not deserving of his rightful claim to Casterly Rock. In the same scene, Hot Pie bakes Arya a bread in the shape of a wolf. Despite everything she did for him, he still pines for Catelyn and by extension, Sansa. After all, he was the one who talked Renly into making a bid for the Iron Throne. Even Sandor and Bronn are terrified of its effect. If you go back and watch the second episode of Season 1, in the scene where Catelyn is sitting with a comatose Bran and his half-brother Jon goes to say his goodbyes to him. When she summons him to answer for this, he is on the verge of tears as he reveals he had been giving information to Robert Baratheon, a man she still despises for murdering her brother and attempting to exterminate her family, and asks her forgiveness, only for Dany to furiously rebuke him and exile him from Meereen on pain of death, even when he begs her on his knees for forgiveness. Just watch how much she has to struggle to say anything. Robert just sounds so completely broken when he talks about her. His reaction to her sad frown and his hasty departure makes it clear that Stannis knows he screwed up this father-daughter moment just by being himself. Pretty much all three seasons so far were piling up one disaster after another for her to cope with. His defensiveness towards Davos during the rest of the scene beforehand. It says a lot about how broken the little girl is when the only remaining person she can find some comfort in is the man she hates for killing her friend. Worse still is that it shows just how poor Gendry can never catch a break. When The Red Wedding finally came on screen, it became without a doubt one of the single biggest, most heartrending and horrifying tearjerkers in the entire series. His counsel is ignored because Daenerys is too caught up with protective rage. He went through hell, lost his hand, and above all changed as a person. When he calls out her name, the pain on her face tells him that she already heard the news. A bit earlier, Jaime is rudely talked down to by a peasant. She had no problem whatsoever believing that her own brother had murdered her own son. Worse is that it recalls the scene in Season 1 where Yoren specifically hid the sight of her father being killed from her. He was better than me at everything— fighting and hunting and riding and girls. This is made all the more bitter by the fact that a few scenes earlier showed they were forming a genuine friendship and bond which has now been utterly dashed. Even Cersei can get some viewer sympathy in this scene when Tywin basically orders her to marry Loras Tyrell. And then you realise, no one was there to teach him human kindness and he believes people like those orphans are his to do as he pleases and fear is the best way to rule. And when you are tired of fucking me I will be nothing. Making it worse is Arya grabbing a knife and trying to kill the Hound and having to be dragged back kicking and screaming by Gendry. His last word to his mother is delivered in a tone of desolate acceptance — the King in the North has simply given up. Take a long look at the entries listed above (and most likely all of those listed below in the next few seasons), and you will find few entries that can even hold a candle to this scene. As of March 30, 2016, Buzzillions. Those poor babies that Craster — and now Karl — give to The White Walkers. None of them seem pleased with the turn of events. For as much as the Lannister family name seems to matter to the family itself, the sheer level of dysfunction that occurs between its members is just awful to watch. The scene is obviously painful for father and son both. You can still research all the same products and services and read reviews here on Viewpoints. Sure you can see her point of view but. And the consummation of her wedding night does not seem to be heading towards the unexpectedly tender and more importantly, reciprocal affair that it was in the books. No wonder they were both screwing around with other people. Plus, they are among the rare people on the series who sincerely give a crap about the smallfolk — the group that has suffered the most from the War of the Five Kings — and the two men try to save and help them. As the above plays out, he sees this final desperate sacrifice crumble before his eyes, and at the end of the episode he is on the verge of tears, both from seeing how much his brother has been hurt and from knowing his last desperate plan to save him has utterly failed. It is no coincidence this is the page-image, as it is pretty much emblematic of every tragedy that befalls the Starks in the future. I was never meant to be a father. Arya clinging desperately to the Hound and burying her head in his chest while he takes her away. Poor Tyrion clearly has had enough of his father using that word to the point he has to excuse himself from losing his shit. The sad part is that Tyrion was actually on his best behaviour during the wedding, he was keeping his cool, and trying very hard not to snark back at Joffrey. This noticeably stuns even Balon momentarily before he marches out of the room, face frozen with what could be described as regret from someone who has never shown regret in his life. While the Red Wedding was easily the biggest block of tearjerkers of the episode (and the entire season, as well as possibly the whole series), there were other tearjerker moments scattered through the episode. wow. you know, because your mother dying from giving birth to you is your fault. Cersei saying she hopes Tyrion deeply loves someone one day, so she can take that person away from him. The way Tyrion smacks his goblet in disgust after the fact. While his suggestion can be argued as naive, remember that the old knight has seen firsthand how big a conflict born from a Cycle of Revenge can be and now he wants to prevent it from happening. Even Tyrion, who knows Cersei hates him, looks dejected. Even sadder, we know Beric and Thoros are actually nowhere near as bad as the other people on her list (even Melisandre is a wild card on that account) and they genuinely intended to bring Arya back to Robb and Catelyn. Two simple decent people in the middle of nowhere provide genuine kindness to perfect strangers solely out of loyalty to the fallen Tullys. Arya who was almost becoming friends with the Hound is disgusted and disappointed with how he acted. It really drives home how cold and screwed up the Lannisters are. Ser Rodrick choosing to Face Death with Dignity, as well as his final words to Bran. Another one comes if one recalls her conversation from the beginning of Season 3. The form is pretty poor, but neither Arya nor Gendry have the soul to say otherwise and nod in agreement. Jorah informs Dany that despite her efforts last season, Yunkai and Astapor have been retaken by slavers and fallen into chaos respectively, thus making everything she did to save so many people all for nothing. Review the products you already own and influence their scores. The Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years, and you are a Stark. So concepts like charity and generosity really are foreign concepts to him. A rather minor example occours when Tywin tells about the unfortunate fate of kings Baelor and Orys. The Riverland peasant describing the destruction of his homeland by the Mountain that Rides and and how their children were tarred and feathered before being set alight. And then comes the Red Wedding, where she has to watch her daughter-in-law stabbed to death in the worst possible way (for a mother, anyway), her bannermen slaughtered like sheep, her only remaining child (in her knowledge) having first his heart broken and then pierced with a dagger, as she is powerless to help. First her face lights up with Joy at seeing him again. Then Stannis truly loses control of his emotions and starts strangling Melisandre, his voice quivering as he demands to know where her god is. And then, a few scenes later, she ends up stabbing one of the Freys to death in revenge. And her reaction to him accidentally knocking down the first tower. When they clasp hands, Tyrion grasps tightly, keeping Bronn from pulling away. He sends her to the relative safety of Dorne because his niece is one of the few members of his family he actually cares about. To make things even more disturbing, either intentionally or not, the man is played by an actor with a slight resemblance to Ned. You may not have my name, but you have my blood. The crestfallen look on her face is heartbreaking. Arya has added Beric and Thoros to her kill list, showing just how deeply their betrayal cut her. And a little bit of Fridge Horror kicks in when you realize he is watching his brother go mad with rage and start ranting about how he so desperately wants to kill everybody in the room. Worse yet, his raging about how he wants to kill them all sounds disturbingly like Joffrey for just a moment. damn. The poor girl was likely an innocent pawn who had nothing to do with the massacre and was clearly terrified up until her death. Cersei: Even after we lost our first boy — for quite a while actually. When going down the Walk of Punishment, Dany stops and offers a drink of water to a dying slave on a cross. Then to add insult to injury, Tywin comes in and chooses that moment to start counseling Tommen by pointing out how Joffrey was not a good king in the slightest, and if he had been, he would still be alive. Ser Jorah coming very close to admitting to Dany that he loves her, and they now both know how he feels about her for sure. In trying to do the right thing, Ned only made things worse for himself. Also her condemnation of Sansa was completely unwarranted. Ser Barristan tries to talk Dany out of her brutal (and pretty well deserved) revenge on the Great Masters of Meereen, saying that sometimes injustice is better put paid with mercy. The way my father looked at him, I wanted that. He judged me. The dagger to the throat just made it official. She believed him, because she truly thought he was a decent person. Keep in mind that Robb had to deliver this devastating news to her on the heels of her finding out that her father died. This says quite a lot about how she must have been treated by Walder. Also, the audience learns this is the reason why Cersei hated him ever since. In the words of the James Hibberd from Entertainment Weekly. Cersei: Then I suppose it will go on for quite a long time. Tyrion telling Shae to leave, and he does not do it nicely. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. then again. Cersei telling Tommen a fairy tale as she prepares to Mercy Kill him and herself. Shae had no reason whatsoever to distrust Sansa, and even declared her love for Sansa. Sure, Cersei may well have been trying to trick the younger woman, but given what she said to Tyrion and Sansa in seasons past about how much Joffrey scared and disgusted her, she is certainly being honest about that, at least. Firstly, despite begging for death at the end of last season and being given the perfect opportunity to kill Ramsay (or even himself) Theon is too broken and terrified to even try, meaning Ramsay has utterly broken his mind as well as his will. Of course, Tywin remains a hard-ass about it, but you can feel that the man is deeply shaken, as he watches his legacy crumbling before his eyes, and his favorite son being hell-bent on becoming another dissappointment. but then she notices his lack of swordhand and realizes he will not be able to save her from her marriage the way Tyrion said he would. Not drowning Tyrion in the sea the day he was born. She notices Tyrion approaching and a quick half-confused, half-disgusted look from her provides a final discouragement. He knows there is no way out of this and almost seems to be asking his mother to stop since there is nothing more that can be done. Sansa telling Shae to stay and brush her hair becomes one when you realize her reasons for it. The fate of Jeor Mormont is the worst desecration of a corpse since Robb Stark and Grey Wind became an effigy. Now she has to lose her baby to those. Poor guy just cant catch a break in Season 4. No reason for doing so, Littlefinger just decided to be a worm as usually. Taken and turned into them by The possible Big Bad Night King. Especially Robb and Talisa looking at them for a moment before they bring in the men who killed them. All he had to do was.

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